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Friday, September 16, 2011

Craft 1: Newspaper Headband

Hola! So today I will be talking about making recycled crafts. Its extremely easy, you can make a milk jug into a bird feeder in less than 5 minutes. Im going to give you a few ideas for making recycled crafts.

Newspaper Headband

Materials: old newspaper, tape
Heres a quick and easy way to make a stylish new headband!

1. Get some old newspaper and fold it so it fits the size of your head.
2. Tape it together where it meets your head/at the end.

Want to make it unique? Decorate it with permanant markers and/or stickers, buttons, etc.

Your original crafting girl,


Want some more great craft ideas? Click here to go to Martha Stewarts website.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Crafting Girl

Hello fellow blog readers! My name is Jillian, and I am starting this blog called Crafting Girl. I will share and write directions for crafts, sewing, and occasionaly baking/cooking. I hope you enjoy, and please follow and comment!!

Your Original Crafting Girl,

Jillian :D